Prospero offers a selection of gravity fillers which have been designed specifically for still beverage products or beverages without carbonation.

GAI X Family

GAI X Family

Gravity Filling Machines for Still Products

The X family is the result of more than 70 years of experience in the field of medium and small sized wine producers, with high quality, reliable and easy-to-use machines. This production segment includes very fine wines and represents our most traditional area of activity, which our reputation was created and consolidated on. A wide range of accessories and extras allows to design machines able to meet the needs of each producer

Browse our GAI X Family Fillers or get in touch today to speak with one of our filling equipment experts.

Beer Filling Machine 3003 Bier
Rinsing Icon
Gravity Filling
Gas Injection
Vacuum Corking
Crown Capping
Screw Capping


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