Upright Stainless Idropress

Prospero Equipment offers a simple pressing system using regulated water with a garden hose or by air pressure using compressed air.

With a maximum working pressure of up to 3 BAR provides a higher yield in the extraction process. Specifically designed for easy cleaning and pomace removal. All parts that come in contact with the product are made of AISI 304 Stainless steel. The Idropress can be used with any type of fruit.

Product Specs

Shop Upright Idropress Options

Upright Stainless Streel Idropress - 160L
Upright Stainless Steel Idropress 160 Liter (800 LBS.)
Upright Stainless Streel Idropress - 300L
Upright Stainless Steel Idropress 300 Liter (1,200 LBS.)
Upright Stainless Streel Idropress - 450L
Upright Stainless Steel Idropress 450 Liter (1,800 LBS.)

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